New Delhi: The Ram idol will be consecrated in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 22 at the Ayodhya Ram temple. In this context, Vishwa Hindu Parishad said that they will invite more than 10 crore families to participate in this event.
After a protracted legal battle, the site for building a Ram Temple on Ramjanma Bhoomi has been acquired and construction work is in full swing there. In this case, Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Tirtha Shetra Trust Committee has decided to consecrate Ram Lalla idol in the sanctum sanctorum of Ram Temple on January 22 next year. Prime Minister Modi will participate in it. In this regard, a statement issued by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad said:
On the invitation of Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra, we will invite more than 10 crore families to the Ram Lala Prana Pratishtai program to be held in Ayodhya in January, Alok Kumar, All India Executive President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad said today.
On this day, around 4000 monks from all Hindu traditions, national leaders of VHP and senior social and cultural leaders of the country participate in the Ayodhya event. We celebrate Diwali to celebrate Sri Rama’s return to Ayodhya after 14 years. But after 500 years of Ramji coming to Ayodhya in 2024, the Prana Pratishtha event on 22nd January is like a second Diwali for us, the nectar period of independent Bharat. Therefore, it is necessary for the entire world Hindu community to directly participate in this prana pratishtha ceremony.
However, it is not possible to invite all Rama devotees to Ayodhya on one day. Therefore, we call upon Hindus all over the world to consider the temple of their locality or village as Ayodhya and throng there. Puja, worship and rituals should be performed as per the tradition there.
“Shri Ram Jai Ram. Chant the mantra “Jai Jai Ram” and watch the live telecast of Ayodhya’s grand divine event and pray with aarti. All unitedly share the Prasadam of Sri Rama and enjoy this historic event.
Alok Kumar in Delhi informed that the sacred ‘Akshadai’ (yellow rice) kalasam offered at Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Temple on November 5, 2023 has been sent to 45 provinces/territories. On the invitation of Tirtha Kshetra Foundation, officials of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, along with other Hindu organizations, will visit all the towns and villages of the country from January 1 to January 15, inviting people from all walks of life to participate in this holy event. A similar program is organized for Hindus living abroad. Along with this invitation, he informed that every family will be provided with a picture of Lord Ram and his temple and other necessary information to be placed in the pooja.
Our estimate so far is that this event will surely take place in more than 5 lakh temples around the world and lakhs of Hindus will participate in it. Groups involved in this work do not accept gifts, donations or other items.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad has classified the country into 45 provinces. And each province has asked to visit Ayodhya on a specific day from January 27 to February 22. Arrangements have been made for darshan of about 1 lakh people.
He called upon every Hindu family to light at least 5 lamps in their homes on the auspicious night of January 22, 2024 to mark this grand festival. He requested everyone to visit Ayodhya with family and friends. Vishwa Hindu Parishad hopes that this Ram Temple will spread harmony, unity and self-respect among Hindus around the world. He spoke that it will emerge as a national temple that will take India to its great heights. 10 crore