November 28, 2023/ 7:02 PM IST: China’s armed forces group announced a ceasefire on the Myanmar border while conducting a four-day drill in Yunnan province due to emerging civil conflict in Myanmar.
The China-based army newspaper the PLA Daily, stated that the army is testing the border control and firepower capabilities of the military units to get ready for any kind of emergency.
Also, the Myanmar border remains a constant ‘irritant’ part for China due to drug trafficking, human smuggling, and cybercrime-like activities.
“China is highly concerned about the conflicts in Myanmar and has urged all sides to the ceasefire and start peaceful dialogues to prevent the situation from escalating further”, said the PLA Daily.
The paper said the fire drill that began on Saturday would ‘boost’ the willpower of the military troops, and this will continue for several days.
The Myanmar government has stopped the legal trade with China, by losing its three towns.
The rebel groups took out Operation 1027 in October. One of them is, that the Kokang Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) has taken control of the border town of Muse. The Myanmar Nation Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Arakan Army (AA) allied to eradicate the artillery attack and to safeguard the lives of civilians.

According to Agence France Presse, the opponents of the military of Myanmar used drones to drop bombs destroyed 120 vehicles and killed 200 civilians. The report confirms the damage on the Chinese border since the conflict started last month.
What is the reason behind Civil war in Myanmar?
Back in the year 2020, the election was going on in Myanmar. The National League Democratic (NLD) party candidate Aung San Suu Kyi won the election. However, the military of the Junta complained about the fraud without any evidence, and the election was cancelled.
In the year 2021, the military detained Aung San Suu Kyi and the other candidate was elected. Now, this caused a state of emergency and took control over the government.
Talking about the current scenario, the local resistance forces like Rakhine State, Chin State, Sangaing State bordering Mizoram and Kayin State are fighting and this is creating disturbance across the country.
Some examiner said that Myanmar is close to defeating the ‘bullying army’, Junta. Once the destruction is over, then the changes will be brought to rebuild the country.
The famous border gate Kyin-San-Kyawt, one of the major trading gates was seized on Saturday due to an intense fight. Although, the ongoing conflict of civil war in Myanmar, the people near the border were taken out and given shelter in a safe place, said the police of China.
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