On Monday, Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘My Name is Khan’ completed 14 years. Directed by Karan Johar, the romantic film is known for its popular songs and stunning screenplay, which Kajol shared a post on social media with a heartwarming note.
Kajol on 14 years of My Name is Khan
Taking to Instagram, Kajol posted about completing 14 years of ‘My Name is Khan’ with a heartfelt reflection on the film’s journey and impact. She took an image of her and SRK from the movie featuring them as Rizwan and Mandira, possibly a memorable scene or promotional poster.
Further, she wrote a heartwarming caption by emphasizing the characters and their journey, highlighting their emotional impact. And acknowledged the film’s long-lasting influence by celebrating its theme of love and unity.
Kajol and SRK’s journey in the film
Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan, one of the most iconic pairs of Bollywood, delivered their unforgettable performances in the 2010 film ‘My Name Is Khan’. Their journey as Mandira and Rizwan, as two individuals brought together by love and challenged by prejudice, continues to resonate with audiences even today.
Moreover, the film sparked crucial conversations about religious tolerance, Islamophobia, and the power of understanding, with immense commercial and critical success, solidifying SRK and Kajol’s place in Bollywood legends with their performance.
About My Name is Khan
The story revolves around Rizwan, a Muslim man with Asperger syndrome, who travels from India to San Francisco and finds love with Mandira. Their happiness crumbles after 9/11 fuels Islamophobia, tearing them apart. Driven by love and yearning to erase prejudice, Rizwan embarks on a cross-country journey to meet the President and declare ‘My Name is Khan and I am not a terrorist’. His quest challenges stereotypes, ignites kindness and ultimately leads him back to Mandira, offering a powerful message of understanding and forgiveness.
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